Gangolf Family Memories
I'm so grateful to Leslee LaCour for sharing these wonderful photos with us.  If there
was ever a case of looking at a photo and having history -- New Orleans history --
staring back at you, it's in the photographs below with 4 generations of Leslee's family!   
New Orleans streetcar motormen and conductors, 1920's.  Leslee's paternal
grandfather, Andrew L. Gangolf, Sr., is sitting in the middle with his arm around the
child.  He was a motorman during the 1920's, but left after the famous strike of 1929.
In this photo, Andrew Gangolf is the patrolman in uniform, toasting an end to
prohibition.  This picture was taken in 1933, on the day prohibition ended,
and it ran in one of the New Orleans newspapers.
World War II - Leslee's father, Merlin "Mel" Gangolf, is the soldier standing in
the middle; his brother, Andrew Gangolf, Jr., stands to his left.  This picture
was taken in the 2500 block of N. Prieur, two blocks from St. Roch Playground.  
You can see a streetcar going by in the distance on Franklin Avenue.
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Andrew Gangolf, Sr. is pictured above (in police uniform) on Mardi Gras day, 1938,
and, son, Mel, is sixth from left, kneeling with flowers.   Below, Andrew is again to
the left in police uniform.  The Quaker Social & Pleasure Club was a marching club.  
Neither Leslee or I have any information about this club.  If you know something
about it or can identify any of the people pictured, please let me know!  Nancy
"Bee-Sieged & Bee-Wildered"
New Orleans Item, 1940's
Leslee's son, Vance, is pictured above on Santa's knee, at a St. Roch Boosters gift
give-away which was held every year during the Christmas season.  Her dad, Mel, was
the President of the Boosters that year (he's pictured standing on the right--but his face
can't be seen).  The "elf" trying to entertain Vance was always called Sammy "Cigar" by
Leslee's dad, but she doesn't know his last name; also, the man in sunglasses at the
piano's first name was Tom, last name unknown.
Clipping from The Times-Picayune - when a flag was presented by the Hinton
Causey VFW Post to Cub Scout Pack 79, sponsored by St. Claude Heights
Elementary School.  Vance LaCour is the first child on the left, third row.
2nd Grade Class, St. Claude Heights Elementary School -
Vance is in the front row, third from right.