City of Iron Lace
St. Charles Avenue, 1936
"To the stranger, for the first time threading his way through its narrow streets, the old French
Quarter of New Orleans seems like a city of iron lace, so lavishly did the old Creole builders
make use of the wrought metal."   --  
New Orleans, City of Iron Lace by Harriet Joor, 1906
Gate at the Cabildo.
Photo ca. 1930's
Gate at Court of Two Sisters, photo by
C. Bennette Moore, between 1910 - 1939
Photo by C. Bennette Moore,
taken between 1910 - 1939
Beautiful ironwork surrounds infamous "Sultan's House",
where a massacre took place in the 1800's.  Photo, 1937.
French Quarter - notice the horse-drawn ice wagon, 1923