"While officers of the Krewe of Nor and school officials look
on, little Frederick Wahlig, 1934 Marengo Street, 5 year-old
pupil of Our Lady of Lourdes school and 5 year-old Judith
Porte, 2024 Congress Street, pupil in the William Franz
school, draw the capsules which will decide who will be King,
Queen and members of the court of Nor.  Back of the
children, Left to Right:  A. S. Sonntag, Captain of Nor, the Rev.
Edward C. Prendergast, superintendent of N. O. Parochial
Schools, George H. Terriberry, President of Nor, and Nicolas
Bauer, superintendent of N. O. Public Schools.  The lucky
children whose names were contained in the capsules drawn
will be announced on February 13, day before the Nor parade."
Many thanks to Larie Tedesco for contributing the newspaper
articles and other memorabilia for this page!  
The Krewe of NOR (New Orleans Romance) was formed in 1933 by members of the city's
Convention and Visitors Bureau.  The members of this krewe were the public and
parochial school children of New Orleans.  The Court of Nor was chosen by a public
drawing held at City Hall.  The Krewe of NOR paraded from 1934 to 1940 and, again, in
1948 and 1949, always with at least 50 floats and thousands of children.
"New Orleans Lorraine Jee, 14 years old, modern
prototype of Cinderella, donned royal robes today to ride
as Queen of Nor, a children's pageant forming part of
the annual Mardi Gras Carnival.  Lorraine, a freshman
high school student, lives with her mother, Mrs. Ruby
Jee and brother, Roland, 16, in a room behind a
blacksmith shop in the French Quarter.  Her name was
drawn from among  thousands of New Orleans school
children for the honor of holding court with her consort,
King of Nor, and reviewing the parade of 58 floats on
Canal Street."

Washington, DC Star   March, 1938
Left, letter from the Captain of NOR, Joseph Wymer, to
Donald Marshall, Principal of McDonogh No. 18 School
on St. Ann Street, complimenting student Lorraine Jee
on her gracious reign as Queen of NOR.
Below is the reception program for the 1939 Krewe of NOR.
Krewe of NOR, 1938
King - Eugene Alfred Antoinne; Queen - Lorraine Jee
Queen, Agatha Newitt, 1935 Queen of Krewe of Nor, was elected president at a group meeting of NOR's
kings and queens yesterday.  From left are Shirley May Shuster and King Jimmie Beck of 1934, behind her;
Queen Agatha Newitt and her King Emanual Pelliteri standing behind her; Queen Rosemary Dittman and
behind her King Nicolas Werther, Jr., 1936; Queen Valerie Marchesseau with King Troy Svendson, 1937,
behind her; Queen Lorraine Jee and King Eugene Antoine, 1938, behind her; and Queen Elaine Rickoll and
her King Donald Allen, 1939, standing behind her.  The group meeting was the first of its kind.
-- Sunday Item Tribune, April 23, 1939
The 1939 Krewe of NOR parade passes by City Hall.
Whatever became of the rulers of NOR?
New Orleans Item, February 6, 1948

Fourteen years ago, NOR, the children's monarch, entered the Carnival scene.  Tomorrow NOR parades again for the
first time since 1941.  NOR immediately became one of the most popular monarchs in Carnival History.  The king and
queens were the youngest (7 - 14) and the best looking.  And, as one dowager commented, "There are no bald heads
or bay windows in NOR."  NOR's rulers have always been chosen in the democratic tradition, by lot from honor
students in the city's schools.  Whatever happened to those boys and girls who were kings and queens for a day?  
That question is answered on this page.  Some are students.  Some are married.  There are mama and papas of little
princes and princesses.

To see the picture and info about the past kings and queens of NOR, click on the name:

James Beck, III       Manuel Pelleteri      Donald Allen       Nicholas Werther       Troye Svendson

Lorraine Jee Tedesco     Valerie Marchesseau      Agatha Newitt      Rosemary Dittmann Pannell  

Elaine Rickell         Miriam Caro         Shirley Mae Shuster Herzog
Krewe of NOR, 1938
In front is Curtis Campbell, court bard; left to right, first row: Eunice Patton, Goldie Breen, Marjarie Barras, Virginia
Cucuru, Lucille Hemard, Eugene Alfred Antoine - king, Elvie Adams,  Lorraine Jee - queen, Shirley Simeon, Florence
Holmes, Mary Jane Moffitt, Mathilda Cucros, Ida Hebard and Vera Weber;  
second row:  George Tiblier, Harry
Viosca, Benjamin Simoneaux, Roy Miller, Calvin Stein, Mack Acosta, William Hopkins, Lachlan Vass, Robert
Franklin, Louis Todaro, Gus Leblanc and Siegfried Christenson;
standing are: John Delucca, Jr., H. I. Briant, Jr.,
Gerland Foucha, Guy Miotin, Dorothy Blanchard, Rosemary O'Brien, Joseph Gallioto and Rudolph Schaff, Jr.
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Magic Robe for McDonogh 18
Like a magic cloak of fairyland, this red velvet robe
transformed a schoolgirl into a queen, Miss Caroline
Pfaff, left, District Superintendent of Schools, told
students of McDonogh 18 School this morning, as she
presented the lucky garment to the school.  The queen,
NOR's consort, was Lorraine Jee of McDonogh 18.
"Picture from the Past," The Times-Picayune newspaper, date unknown.